How Load Shifting Can Transform Your Home Energy Use

By Kyle, Customer Services

Make the most of your home battery with load shifting

In today’s fast-paced world, managing home energy costs effectively is a top priority for many homeowners. Load shifting is your answer, this simple yet effective strategy involves using your battery storage system to its fullest potential by timing your energy consumption.

But what exactly is load shifting, and how can it benefit you? Let’s dive in!

What is load shifting?

Load shifting is adjusting the time you consume energy from the grid. It’s all about timing – using energy when it costs less. Typically, about 75% of solar energy is produced in the sunnier half of the year. During the less sunny months, load shifting allows you to charge your battery at cheaper rates.

For instance, charging your battery overnight when electricity costs are lower, and then using this stored energy during high-rate daytime hours. This ensures that when you do need to draw from the grid, you’re doing so in the most cost-effective and renewable way possible.

Solar Power and Load Shifting: A Winning Combo

  • Save Money: Save money by using cheaper off-peak energy.
  • Boost Battery Efficiency: Get the most out of your battery’s capacity.
  • Increased Self-Reliance: Lessen dependence on the grid, enhancing your home’s energy autonomy.


Take the First Step!
Load shifting is more than just an energy strategy; it’s a step towards a smarter, more sustainable home. With a little planning, you can make a big difference in both your energy costs and environmental impact.